The primary purpose of the City of Moraine Comprehensive Plan is to guide future growth and be used as a tool to help foster change to encourage favorable development while allowing for the natural evolution of a growing community.
In the effort to guide the quality, quantity, and location of growth, the Plan provides the justification for community decision-makers to support or deny future projects or initiatives.
The key components of this Plan include a snapshot of current conditions, a vision for the future, and recommendations
on how to achieve the vision and goals outlined within the document.
The City of Moraine Comprehensive Plan includes implementation strategies related to the following themes:
Aesthetics and Property Maintenance
Parks and Recreation
Economic Development
Vision Statement
“Moraine is a vibrant and resilient community that evolves with global trends and economic impacts while taking a balanced approach to meet the needs of its residents and businesses. The City will build a regional presence and unified community identity that embraces its heritage and progress equally.”
This Plan’s goals support the vision the community wants to accomplish. Each goal statement identifies desired outcomes. These goals are carefully designed to encompass focus areas and link all objective statements to familiar themes. In total, the City of Moraine Comprehensive Plan comprises seven goal statements. These goals aim to address the challenges and aspirations expressed by the community, fostering a more vibrant, cohesive, and attractive City of Moraine.
Comprehensive Goals
Create a vibrant destination.
Promote a balanced development pattern to meet the community’s needs.
Enhance property maintenance.
Revitalize and “right-size” parks and recreation facilities.
Maintain infrastructure and support job creation.
Engage and retain youth.
Diversify housing options.
The project team created an online survey to engage more people in creating the Comprehensive Plan. A survey was created for residents and visitors and asked 21 questions about the community’s likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. There were 203 responses, of which approximately 75.0 percent were from residents.
Ad Hoc Committee Meetings
The ad hoc committee was built of local leaders who worked with the project team, guiding the process, providing immediate feedback, and deciding the final character of the Plan. The Moraine staff selected committee members based on their community roles and perspectives on the City’s future. The ad hoc committee consisted of the following members:
Teri Murphy – Mayor/Council Representative
John Shady – Moraine Planning Commission Chair
Ryan Slone – West Carrollton Schools Treasurer/CFO
Jeff Johnson – Kettering School District Director of Business Services
Tommy Hicks – Resident
Sharon Duff – Resident and Moraine Board of Parks and Recreation
Tommy Watts – Resident
Ann-Lisa Allen – Kettering Moraine Oakwood Chamber of Commerce CEO
Patti Bond – Resident and Moraine Board of Parks and Recreation
Steve Ireland – Broker, APEX
Shawn Waldman – Business Owner, Cyber Secure Defense
Daniel Green – DMAX
Mark Snyder – Business Owner, Snyder Brick & Block
Mark Fornes – Commercial Developer, Mark Fornes Realty, Inc.
Matthew Wendel – Shook Construction
Eric Rees, PE – Shook Construction
Dan Foley – Director, Great Miami Riverway
Brad Templin – Manager, Moraine Air Park
The ad hoc committee met five times throughout the project and reviewed all project materials before public release. They suggested community stakeholders meet with, provided insight on local public events and happenings, refined goals and objectives, and drafted the future land use plan.
Stakeholder Meetings
A critical part of the success of the planning process is the participation of property owners, residents, business owners, and other stakeholders in the community. The project stakeholders represent various community interests, including major employers, developers, community organizations, and leadership. Multiple group stakeholder interviews were conducted throughout the spring of 2023.
Public Engagment
American Structurepoint attended four events and created a virtual open house for public engagement with interactive boards and activities tailored to this Plan development. About 100 people stopped to share their thoughts on the City of Moraine and Plan components.
Easter Egg Hunt on April 1, 2023
Movie Night in the Park on June 30, 2023
SeekBeak open house from March 8 to April 6, 2024
Boo Bash on October 14, 2023
A summary of the key themes from public engagement is provided below. The project team used what was heard from the public to provide the goals, objectives, strategies, and recommendations for this Plan.
Placemaking: Some of Moraine’s top challenges relate to placemaking, including sidewalk connectivity, quality of life assets, education, youth retention, lack of activity after 5:00 PM, etc.
Community Identity and Branding: Stakeholders and survey responders see community branding as a high priority as Moraine struggles with creating a unified identity.
Aesthetics and Property Maintenance: Participants saw property maintenance as challenging for Moraine. Stakeholders saw a need for better residential enforcement and commercial property maintenance.
Parks and Recreation: Open space and parks were mentioned across all public engagement opportunities. Survey and public event responders said they use recreation areas to “show off” Moraine, as the City has multiple parks.
Economic Development: Economic development was listed as one of Moraine’s best assets. Participants emphasized the importance of the city’s location, the major employers located there, and the affordability of housing supply.